

I am a passionate computer science graduate with exceptional leadership, communication and problem- solving skills. I thoroughly enjoy designing and developing digital solutions and am excited by a long career in tech. As our world makes a digital transformation, I find it thrilling to be involved in the industry where such pinnacle development is happening.



A calculator implemented using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It utilises display grid to arrange buttons in the appropriate positions and display flex for responsiveness on both PC and Mobile.

Click the icons above for Github page or to see it in action.

Word Guessing Game

A calculator implemented using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It utilises display grid to arrange buttons in the appropriate positions and display flex for responsiveness on both PC and Mobile.

Click the icons above for Github page or to see it in action.

Morse-Code Translator

A JavaScript program that takes some English text as input and returns the morse code equivalent. It was coded using a TDD approach with Jest.

Click the icons above for Github page or to see it in action.

Punk API

This project fetches data from an API created by Brewdog containing various pieces of information pertaining to some of their beers. It displays information about each individual beer in a card and users can search or filter by certain attributes to find more specifically what they are looking for.

Click the icons above for Github page or to see it in action.

Ticket Tracker

This is a web app that allows you to track the number of project tickets different employees within a company have completed. You can also increase or decrease the number for each employee if the situation changes. This was a paired programming task completed alongside two of my colleagues on the _nology bootcamp.

Click the icons above for Github page or to see it in action.

Pokemon and Kanye Quotes API

This is a web app that fetches data from a couple different APIs. There is a section containing a button to fetch and output tweets from Kanye West. There is a also a section to search for different Pokemon to get their information and image in return. Data is randomly fetched and outputted upon loading the page and can of course be updated through user input in the search bar.

Click the icons above for Github page or to see it in action.


tech stack

